12 May 2011

A New Collar

The New Collar and Lead.

Detail of the Collar front.

Detail of Collar back.

The Collar being nicely modelled.

It's been a while since I posted any leather work. But I have some designs I have been working on, this is the first one.

A new style of collar, with this design I wanted to create a collar that had a more feminine feel. The first collar design I made had a very utility style design with many places to attach restraints. This new design has only the one ring to attach a lead or restraints to. The simpler design along with the V-shaped front give the collar a more slender feel and has a look that is less like a collar and more like a piece of women's jewelry.

If you like it, let me know. I am very happy to measure you for one.

I'll post more leather designs soon. If there's anything you'd like to see, let me know and maybe we can work on it.

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